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New Feature - Map My Flights

PostPosted: Fri 28. May 2010, 23:51
by Snow
There's a new feature on the "My Flights" page.

Below the Loading Area, there's a link named "Map my Flights".

Clicking on that link will open a new window that is showing your flights in the loading area.
Assignments in the holding area will not be displayed.

In this example, the aircraft and the assignments are at Merritt (CAD5) and the destinations are Dorothy Scott and Omak.

The next example shows the case where the aircraft is at an different airport than the assingments an there are more assignments on one destination airport (Dorothy Scott).

I think this can become a very useful tool for planning and rechecking your routes.


Re: New Feature - Map My Flights

PostPosted: Wed 2. Jun 2010, 21:39
by DerWaldfuerst
Now that is a handy tool for flightplannig, finally no more entering and switching airports in the Great Circle Mapper to find out the most economical route. Well, maybe not. But that is very nice now.

Sebastian EDDL/EDDK

Re: New Feature - Map My Flights

PostPosted: Fri 31. Dec 2010, 10:33
by Snow
You can use the "Map my Flights" option on the group assignment pages too. See at the bottom of the page.


If you click on the icon of an "Assignment Location" (black icon with white aircraft), you'll get a list of assignments at this location.


Re: New Feature - Map My Flights

PostPosted: Fri 31. Dec 2010, 16:08
by Ghostrider
Thats a neat feature, gotta take a look at that l8er. Thx for the hints Peter.